For many businesses, hiring feels like a chore. You have to write job ads, figure out where to place them, review resumes, conduct interviews, and decide which candidate to hire. You need to make sure you’re following all laws and regulations, and you need to make sure you don’t hire too many or too few employees. You also have to deal with employee turnover, and the costs of hiring a candidate who doesn’t work out. Dealing with staffing issues can be a significant drain on your company’s time and resources.
Working with a staffing agency can take most of the pressure off, freeing you up to focus on what you do best. Here are some of the biggest ways that Pirate Staffing can help your business thrive.
Top Ways Pirate Staffing Can Help Your Business
Helping Your HR Team
Your internal human resources team is likely stretched to the limit. They’re responsible for keeping up with ever-changing compliance issues, as well as addressing any concerns your existing staff might have. Partnering with a staffing agency lets them focus on these ongoing matters without worrying about hiring issues.
Reducing Overtime
It can take a while to find and vet just the right candidate for a key position. In the meantime, the work still needs to be done. This can put pressure on your current staff, as they try to keep up with their own duties and also cover the open position. It can also put them into expensive overtime. A staffing firm can provide you with temporary workers to bridge the gap, giving your current team the opportunity to rest and recharge.
Offering Flexibility
Things are still in flux from the COVID-19 pandemic, and some economists believe it will take years to fully return to normal. You may need some additional help, but worry about whether you’re ready to bring on full-time employees. A staffing agency offers flexibility, allowing you to bring people in temporarily without committing to making them permanent employees.
Keeping Up With Regulations
Especially in the COVID era, business regulations are changing rapidly. Understanding and complying with these guidelines is just part of the workday for a staffing agency. Your staffing firm can help keep you in compliance, and may even be able to help you find local business resources such as loans or grants.
Need New Talent?
If you’re ready to bring on new temp-to-hire, temporary, or permanent employees, Pirate Staffing is here for you. Learn what we can do to help, and then contact us to get started.