Although the Great Resignation seems to have slowed down, it’s still a job hunter’s market. And work culture has become a top consideration for many people who are looking for work or trying to decide whether to stay in their current role. If you haven’t taken a hard look at your work culture in the past two years, now is the time to do so. Here’s what you should be doing to attract and retain top talent.
What Does a Company Culture Reset Look Like?
Invest in Individuals
One of the biggest signs of a healthy work culture is a focus on employees as human beings. This means offering flexibility, supporting both physical and mental health, and helping team members carve out individualized career paths. You might also consider offering a menu of benefits from pet insurance to gym memberships and letting each person choose the things that are the best fit.
Inspire and Elevate
It may sound a bit New Age, but research repeatedly shows that we get back what we put out into the universe. A work culture that focuses on positive states such as joy, gratitude, and abundance tends to not only have happier and healthier employees but also be more successful. Positivity comes from the top, so now is the time to sit down with your senior leadership team and brainstorm ways to transform the overall state of your organization.
Focus on Purpose and Intentionality
Everyone wants to know that the work they do is meaningful and that it is connected to a larger vision. Spend some time reflecting on why your company does what it does and how each department supports the larger purpose. Then hold training sessions to communicate that vision to workers at every level. Finally, teach your managers how to support employees’ individual goals and intentions and encourage them to do so frequently.
Collaborate and Co-Create
Strong work culture is dedicated to collaboration and co-creating new definitions of success. Make some time during meetings to develop and refine a shared vision. Talk about ideal outcomes for each person, each team, and the organization as a whole. Brainstorm how everyone can help each other get there. Then set goals to help bring this shared vision to life.
Need New Talent?
If you’re ready to bring on new temp-to-hire, temporary, or permanent employees, Pirate Staffing is here for you. Learn what we can do to help, and then contact us to get started.