How Can a Manager Make a Good Impression on Their Team?

How Can a Manager Make a Good Impression on Their Team? | Pirate Staffing

If you’ve recently been promoted to management, congratulations! This is an exciting time in your life, but it can also be scary. It’s only natural to want to make a good impression on your team. But how? Here are some tips to help you out.

5 Ways a Manager Can Make a Good Impression On Their Team

Practice Active Listening

Everyone wants to feel heard. You’ll gain a lot of respect and admiration from your team if you simply show a willingness to hear them out. Utilize active listening skills such as:

  • Putting away your phone and closing your computer
  • Leaning in slightly
  • Restating what you think you heard
  • Asking clarifying questions

Be sure to follow through as well. Depending on the results of the conversation, this might mean researching the answer to a question or implementing feedback.

Avoid Micromanaging

As a manager, you probably also have concerns about pleasing upper management. But don’t let those concerns lead you to micromanage your team members. Give them the resources they need to succeed, and then trust them to get the job done. Check-in frequently, but only give advice if asked. Make sure everyone knows how to reach you with questions or concerns.

Reward Excellence

Positive reinforcement is the best way to promote the behavior you want, whether you’re raising kids, training a dog, or managing a team. When your employees do something well, reward them for it. This could mean buying everyone lunch when they hit a major milestone or starting an employee of the month program. Exactly what you do isn’t as important as the fact that everyone has a goal to work towards.

Admit What You Don’t Know

As a new manager, you’re going to make a lot of mistakes. There will also be a lot of answers that you simply don’t know. Your team will respect you for showing your human side. To make a good impression, be honest with them, take responsibility, and find a way to make things right.

Be Present

Never ask your team members to do something that you are unwilling to do yourself. Walk the line. Relieve an employee who needs a restroom or water break. Maintain an open-door policy to the greatest extent possible. If you want to make a good impression on your team members, simply show up for them each and every day.

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